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Last updated: September 23, 2021 • Real Estate Market

Traditional or Modern: What Type of Home is in Demand in Your City?

In today’s world, a house is more than just a place to sleep; it’s a way to show your status and taste to the world. Houses have become a commodity, much the same as cars, clothing and cell phones. No longer is your dwelling just a place to eat your meals and rest your head; now, it’s a fashion statement as well. 

This being the case, one can imagine that the aesthetics of a house can determine its value on the market as much as its practical attributes. Going a step further, it’s reasonable to assume that the popularity of different types of homes can vary from area to area. If you had this thought, and were wondering what types of houses are in demand in your city, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s get started! 

Home styles

There are many different types of home styles, from colonial to Victorian to Mediterranean, but in this article, we’re going to be focusing on two common and immensely popular styles: traditional and contemporary. These styles can be seen in most neighborhoods in America, from the west coast to the east. But where is each most popular? To answer that, we have to first take a look at what makes each of these styles unique. 


modern luxury villa

First, let’s learn a little about modern home styling. First appearing in the early 1950s, modern home styling represented a bold movement away from the traditional architectural norms. Modern styling is characterized by a distinctive lack of ornamentation such as might be featured in older home designs. These designs also often incorporate intentionally asymmetrical architecture, large open spaces and large plate glass windows. 


Traditional home styling is exactly what the name implies: traditional. This style was popularized during the 19th century, and over time became the norm in North American architecture. There are many different hallmarks of traditional style homes, but most of these homes feature well matched color palettes, symmetrical and uniform construction, and high ceilings. 

Traditional vs. Contemporary: which sells best where? 

As one might expect, different architectural styles are more or less common based on area. In any unique geographic area, the market will favor one design or another, and this will be made clear by simply looking at what homes are most popular in any given area. This being the case, you might be wondering what type of style is popular in your area. If that’s the case with you, keep reading! 

Gatlinburg TN

panoramic view of beautiful house

Nestled in a valley between the foothills of the Smoky Mountains, Gatlinburg is a picture perfect Appalachian town that has in recent years become known as a great place to spend a vacation. The city boasts breathtaking mountain visits, a charming local atmosphere and variety of fun things to see and do, such as camping, hiking and fishing. 

From a practical point of view, the city of Gatlinburg is also a very attractive little town. Locals can tell you that the real estate market is booming, as the high demand for housing in the region drives values further and further up. For those interested in purchasing or selling a home in this city, you might be wondering: what type of home is in highest demand? 

Appalachia is a place where traditions are held in highest regard. For locals of this region, the past is of as much value as the present or future, and local customs and traditions reflect that. This being the case, it’s no surprise that traditional style homes are the most highly coveted type of dwelling place here. Just ask one of the top real estate agents in Gatlinburg TN

Bowie MD

luxury new construction

The quiet town of Bowie lies between Washington D.C. and Annapolis, virtually equidistant from both. With around 60,000 inhabitants, it’s not exactly a small town, but the place has an enjoyably peaceful atmosphere about it. The town is known primarily as an upper class haven for financially successful professionals and businessmen. 

Practically speaking, Bowie’s real estate market is far more lively than you might expect. Houses fly off the market at a prodigious rate, and home values are slowly but steadily increasing. In fewer words, for the top realtors in Bowie MD, business is booming. Want to know what type of home is in highest demand? Read on! 

Bowie is known as a place for industrious and ambitious professionals. On the whole, the population boasts higher incomes and more expensive homes than the national average. This being the case, it’s easy to see why modern style homes are in higher demand than traditional homes. 

Tucson AZ

arizona resort with cactus

The city of Tucson is much arguably one of the most beautiful cities in Arizona. With its beautiful skyline lighting up the night sky, it’s a city just oozing with aesthetic appeal. There are plenty of things to do in Tucson, from its wide variety of bars and restaurants to its sightseeing opportunities and art galleries and museums, but it’s also attractive from a practical point of view as well. 

The city of Tucson is home to a vivacious real estate market. With a median home price well below the national average, people flock to this city in droves looking to make it their home. Rent prices are also quite low, which makes it highly attractive to those without the necessary capital to buy real estate. Bottom line? If you’re one of the local real estate agents in Tucson AZ, you’re not going to have any trouble moving listings!

Despite its progressive, front-facing appearance, the city clearly has a thing for tradition. From the moment you step foot inside the city limit, it’s clear that there is a palpable sense of respect for the past. This is clearly evidenced in its preferences when it comes to home styling, which falls solidly in the camp of traditional design. 

Tampa FL

modern house in fl

If you’ve planned a vacation to Florida recently, chances are you’ve considered Tampa as a possible destination. It’s easy to see why! Tampa is home to a plethora of great things to do, from its pristine beaches to its charming downtown area, and as an added bonus accommodation in the area is very reasonably priced! 

As far as real estate is concerned, Tampa is in great shape. Tampa’s real estate market has been experiencing a period of unprecedented growth, with home values steadily rising in every price range. It’s no secret that realtors in Tampa FL take full advantage of this lively market, selling houses like there’s no tomorrow! Now, let’s look at what style of home sells most quickly on this red hot real estate market! 

With its energetic, professional populace, it’s no surprise that homebuyers in Tampa are more likely to spring for a modern home than a traditional one. In this city like many others, your house is an advertisement of the success you’ve achieved; and when it comes to houses, none say “prosperity” like a modern one! 


The home you live in can say a lot about you. Since the beginning of time, the rich and successful have sought to display their wealth by building elaborate dwellings with all the pomp and finery that money could buy. Today, what house you choose has taken on a more nuanced meaning, displaying not only your monetary success but your values and tastes as well. With so many different styles to choose from, there’s no denying that your choice in homes is important. 

If you’re interested in purchasing a home in any of these cities, then you’ll want to get in touch with one of the top real estate agents in the area, whose pages we’ve gone ahead and linked. These expert real estate professionals have a familiarity with their areas that’s surpassed by none, and there is no one better than them to help you find a home that suits your needs. If you want to buy a home in one of these areas, they’re the people to call! 

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6 Responses to " Traditional or Modern: What Type of Home is in Demand in Your City? "

  1. Joyce Odidison says:

    According to me, both types of homes have their own importance. As everything changes with time thus nowadays people demand modern homes. I personally like The quiet town of Bowie in Washington D.C the place has an enjoyably peaceful atmosphere.

    • Ovidiu Tarnaceanu says:

      Hey, Joyce!

      As you pointed out, both types have their own appeal, and some might find modern homes to be the next great thing to have, while others prefer to stick with the traditional looks of a house. I like that you pointed out the town of Bowie MD, since it has the best of both worlds, and on top of that, the neighborhoods are gorgeous, in my opinion.

      We have an entire blog where we talk about the pros and cons of living in Bowie MD, so make sure you check out our blog. Thank you for your comment!

  2. john says:

    Very good blog post. Thanks for the share..

  3. Odette Doe says:

    Great blog! Having this idea will help you to market your business. You can easily introduce what type of homes you need to fetch from the customer. In my own opinion, it will be much better to ask the people or the person that you’ve been working with what they really need. Most people nowadays demand modern homes.

    • Ovidiu Tarnaceanu says:

      Hey, Odette!

      We are glad you enjoy our blog. It is a great marketing tool, but it is also a great way to inform people about some of the options they have on the housing market. Ultimately, when people go to The OFFICIAL Realty Agent Hub Directory® in an attempt to find a real estate agent, they will not be forced into buying a certain type of home.

      When our agents engage with customers, they do it in a manner that places the client’s needs above their desire to sell one type of home over another. That’s why questions such as “What are you looking for?” or “What type of homes interest you?” are crucial in finding out what the person standing in front of the agent really needs.

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