5 Things Home Sellers Always Forget

Home seller tips

Written by

Eduardo Albuquerque

Published date:

Updated: Feb 26, 2024 by

woman holding a sign with house 

When selling a house, homeowners often follow a ‘checklist’ of sorts to make sure that everything is spic-span to help in wooing potential home buyers. Landscaping, repainting, remodeling kitchens and bathrooms -- anything and everything that might sway a buyer’s opinion.

However, in these situations, many homeowners forget important factors in the selling process. From small flaws in the home’s aesthetic integrity to the importance of keeping real estate commissions in mind, it’s never a bad idea to give a home one last check-up before opening the doors to visitors. In case you’re not sure where to start, here’s the 5 most common things that homeowners miss as they head into the viewing and selling process.

  1. Know what the buyers will pay. Where appraisers can make their estimates, the person with the money is going to be the final decision in how much a home is worth. If you have a home buyer in mind, try to appeal to them as much as possible, and remember that sometimes, small aesthetic fixes like new cabinets may leave a better impression than replaced windows.
  2. Try to keep things fresh. Believe it or not, smells are one of the first things we remember, and factor for the largest portion of our opinions and memories. If the home smells clean and fresh, guests are more likely to remember it in a positive light. Likewise, if it smells musty or harsh with cleaning solutions, they may have less than fond memories. Find problem areas and eliminate odors, air out your home as much as possible leading up to visits, and freshen them up a few hours before. For more ideas on how you can add a pleasant scent to your home, feel free to read our blog about Scents that attract home buyers
  3. Remember real estate commissions. Like mentioned above, this is one aspect of selling that sellers sometimes forget amidst the chaos of selling a home. Real estate agents must compete for the best homes, so keeping the commission in mind when doing renovations is important - especially in fluctuating markets.
  4. Privacy may be invaded. Visitors and guests will come all the time , and poke around in the process. It’s best to move anything sensitive out of the home, and prepare for some adjustments in your cleaning routine if some unexpected viewers come around. Some visitors will be more polite than others, and they may appear a bit noisier than your average guest, considering the circumstances. Homeowners should be forewarned and prepared.
  5. Don’t overlook the small things. Money should be allocated appropriately. Where certain renovations may appeal to your ideas of what a homeowner thinks their home should look like, the home buyer might not agree. Before making any grand decisions, homeowners should have an outside eye take a look and ask them to locate the turn-off areas in your home. Bald spots on the wall, sticky cabinet drawers, breezy doors, and faulty lighting are some things that may require fixing first.

These details are easily missed by sellers, but hard to forget among buyers. If there’s trouble spotting problems, bring in a fresh pair of eyes who can spot issues with the home, or put a buyer hat on and take another look.

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