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And now your blog topics:

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At we are constantly in need of fresh content. We value originality above all but we also look for articles that provide an unusual viewpoint on a real estate topic. We welcome guest posts and encourage gifted writers who want to push their limits. So, can you play with the words and jargon to make real estate less boring and frightening?

If yes, then keep reading! Whether they sell, buy, rent or just have a love for real estate, the ultimate goal of the content we provide is to inform and expand our reader's horizons.

Do you think you can come up with a fresh, fun and insightful read? Our readers deserve the best content, that's why we rely on a strict selection process for writers.

So, to sum up, we shy away from generic real estate agent content. We prefer articles that are all about thinking out of the box, stepping in the consumer's shoes, and warning readers of things they might have never thought of.

Guidelines for new article submissions:

  • 100% original, not published anywhere else.
  • Well-written, clear, interesting, and above all, helpful and of interest to our target audience.
  • Not self-promotional.
  • Minimum 1600 words.
  • Aim for high readability scores and no typos. We appreciate the good use of subheadings, shorter sentences, and very few passive voice sentences.
  • Contributors may submit a photo and a short bio.
  • Only 1 self-promoting link.
  • Link 2-3 internal blogs - related to the content
  • No more than two links to additional authoritative sites.
  • We will provide the images.

If we choose to publish your article:

  • You must not republish it anywhere else.
  • Your content should be shared with your followers on social media and provide us direct links.
  • In exchange of publishing your blog on, publishing one of our blogs on your website must be reciprocated. (article/blog exchange)

We reserve the following rights:

  • To reject contributions with no explanation.
  • To edit, adapt, update contributions as needed.

How to submit an article?

Now that you've invested so much time in your manuscript, you must be dying to see it published.
To send your work to fill in the form above. If we are interested, we will get in touch with you. We will do our best to give you feedback in a timely reply.