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Last updated: May 15, 2021 • Real Estate Investing

Delray Beach Shoreline Protection Project

For properties in Delray Beach, real estate agents now have even more reasons to give to buy along the shoreline. With concerns being raised about the integrity of beachfront properties in the face of climate change, sea rise, and erosion, Delray Beach stands out as the community fights to protect its beaches.

How Shore Protection Works in Delray Beach

For buyers in the region, concerns about the stability of the beaches and shoreline are valid. However, since 1973 a Shoreline Protection Program (SPP) has been in effect to prevent loss of beach property and keep the shoreline clean and renewed.

The reclamation and beach nourishment programs in Florida are designed to keep the shoreline from receding and also restore proper balance to the dune areas. This is not only for the benefit of the tourist economy, but for the year round residents who invest in properties in the Palm Beach County region.

Thirty-one miles of the forty-six mile coastline in Palm Beach County are considered “critically eroded.” Eroded beaches allow upland areas to become vulnerable to damage by severe weather. Storm protection provided by the natural beach/dune system can be compromised by coastal development as each community expands.

In order to counter this trend, the Shoreline Protection Program identified 20 individual projects along 20 miles of public access land to be accomplished during the run of the thirty year plan. To date, the Program has restored 112 acres of dune, and funded or maintained 14.5 miles of beach re-nourishment projects to minimize environmental impact and restore natural habitats for wildlife and plant life.

With Continued Development of Delray Beach, Realty Agent Hubs Need Information

Where construction is heavy, erosion is as well, so concentration is given on areas most impacted and most likely to be impacted by ongoing development. The stabilization of inlets, residential and commercial development, and natural forces all conspire to cause critical erosion, and the SPP utilizes several methods for re-nourishment and maintenance.

Explaining the processes to potential buyers can alleviate fears, so agents should remain aware of the latest projects being undertaken to stabilize the shorelines.

Three main approaches are being taken as of the current time:

  1. There is ongoing facilitation of sand transfer at the inlets in order to restore the natural flow of sand.
  2. Part of the project includes protecting the existing dunes and beaches and restoring the portions of shoreline that are already degraded.
  3. The last approach consists of evaluating erosion control structures for use along beaches – particular in spots disposed to an erosion hot spot or those which may not qualify for a traditional beach fill project.

Environmental monitoring of the resources is continual, to ensure that efforts to restore sand still protect the natural environment. The Shoreline Enhancement & Restoration Program is geared to provide publicly accessible beaches, support the tourist-based economy, restore beach habitat, and protect upland property, specifically in the face of population growth and ongoing development of this at-risk area of shoreline.

By being aware of these projects and communicating them to buyers, Delray Beach real estate agents can appear knowledgeable and well informed. All of this can lead to more enthused buyers and a quicker sale of affected properties.


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