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Last updated: May 15, 2021 • Real Estate Market

Florida’s Hot Season & Home HVAC

Kissimmee real estate agents are very aware of Florida’s hot season – after all, when you live in the southernmost tip of the United States, the heat and humidity are simply a fact of life. However, when it comes to selling homes located in the Kissimmee region, real estate agents can use the combination of historical and economical facts to set buyers’ minds at ease.

Living in Florida can be expensive, especially in hot season, thanks to Florida’s climate. The state can be rather costly to a homeowner due to long hot seasons. While many may hesitate over moving to the Sunshine State due to the hurricanes that strike Florida and cause billions of dollars of damage, true devastating storms are far and few between. The real expense comes in trying to stay cool, since hot season arrives every year like clockwork, hiking temperatures past the acceptable point for many and requiring air conditioning to cut through the muggy heat.

Florida’s Hot Season Affects Kissimmee Realty Agent Hubs’ Sales Pitch

Kissimmee real estate agents can balance this aspect of their community with some hard facts, however; potential buyers coming from Northern states may be surprised at the temperature levels in a time period when their home states may still have a chance of snow on the ground, but air conditioning costs in Florida during the long summer can be more than offset by the lack of need for heating costs in the winter – and since northern residents commonly pay through the nose to stay warm during long, snowy winters, a switch to paying for AC in the summer may not be that bad after all.

When does Florida’s hot season begin? It varies, depending on location and distance from the coastline. In Key West, temperatures start rising in late March and don’t go down until nearly December; the heat arrives in North Florida in early June and tapers off the end of October. Slight geographic variations in the beginning and end of the season are affected by proximity to the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean – the closer to the coast, the sooner weather starts to shift warmer and the longer it stays hot. (An exception to this rule is an area found on the west side of Lake Okeechobee, where both the advent and recession of hot season is delayed.)
Fortunately for Kissimmee real estate agents, the expansion of the hot season is restricted mainly to the southernmost third of the state, starting just south of Kissimmee. Real estate in the Gold Coast cities has experienced an increase in demand thanks to a population increases since the 1950s; it’s unclear if denser population may also be contributing to the rise in temperature and the lengthening of the hot season, but urban density is certainly one potential factor.

Bottom line: Living in Florida may result in a slightly higher cost in power usage for cooling in the summer, but that expense can be easily offset by savings over Northern states when it comes to the short, mild winters.


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