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Last updated: September 2, 2021 • Home Improvement

Home improvements – Making your home smart

Smart is the new buzzword. From electronic gadgets to any online shopping experience, everything must be automated, fast, synchronized, designed for the younger generation. In a word, intelligent. The older generation, on the other hand, raises eyebrows when learning about new technologies. However, all it takes is to see the big picture: smart technology makes one’s life easier, more cost-effective, and with the minimum chance of error. Speaking of the devil: an error or a series of mistakes always weigh in and usually originate from human frailty. Now, with a digital era, we can almost eliminate it.

On the necessity of technological progress

evolution of lightning concept

Throughout human evolution, we have always strived to improve upon our current living conditions. And what else could do the trick better than technology? 

From the apes coming upon dead bones as tools to the discovering wheels and later laserbeams, humankind accomplished giant steps in evolution.

We have a fascinating history with technology, for sure. In the next step of human evolution, technology makes such headways that ordinary people can no longer track its progress: 3-D printers, intelligent homes, lasers, and robotics, etc. So many mind-boggling innovations have shown that we are virtually lost in the modern-day automation and machinery terminology. 

Do we need changes? Absolutely yes! We require them badly, especially in the current age, facing frighteningly unique and topical challenges. One could mention disquieting phenomena such as global warming, world hunger, unknown epidemics, and illnesses on the loose. And the stakes are raised by increased housing demands with quite limited natural resources. Yet, our endeavors will not stop there: we want to explore and, ultimately, colonize space. 

A cry-out to switch to green technology

nature and robot concept

Besides, let’s not forget about saving our nature! The cutting-edge tech is extremely eco-friendly and helps reduce unnecessary power consumption. Being smart means being protective of our natural habitat, at least, what’s left of it. We, humans, can definitely use that!

As a result, smart digital technology not only lessens the impact of 21st-century issues and saves our money/time but it contributes to our very own survival too. 

Did we convince you yet? It’s time you threw your doubts and concerns out and open up to mind-blowingly innovative ideas!

So let’s take a look at how you can also benefit from this smart technology, shall we?

Take the first baby steps to improve our home together!

happy couple making repairs

There are no golden rules on how to start making your home smart. First of all, let’s take a breather and consider whether old homes can learn new tricks

We would begin by purchasing many small-sized gadgets, such as cameras, sensors, and eco-friendly bulbs. Got it? Then, let’s connect them into a connected hub. Naturally, Wi-Fi plays an essential part in doing so. Therefore, all pieces of the puzzle can communicate with each other. In addition, you can track this progress through your smart mobile device. What you need is an online virtual assistant. To realize this, try installing Google Assistant, Amazon’s Alexa, or Apple’s Siri as a sync application. 

We don’t need a massive budget to enhance our living environment. Choose one of the 13 easy home improvement ideas perfect for small houses to create the look of a home in tip-top shape!

Smart sync apps pros and cons

screenshot of a mobile app of google assistant

All three voice-controlled digital assistants have their perks and disadvantages. What’s common in each of them is that they function based on simple voice commands: “Alexa/Siri open the garage door!”. Amazon features Echo products that are relatively easy to set up. Displaying more than 10,000 Skills it turns into the most widely supported smart home hub. 

A common disadvantage is that, at the present moment, each has difficulty interpreting human voices on rare occasions. And product exclusivity is another slightly disturbing problem. For example, Alexa runs only Android and Apple devices, Siri only on Apple devices. Only Google Assistant is more compatible with any device, such as Android devices, including Wear OS devices, Android TV, and Nvidia Shield.

From the artificial intelligence perspective, Google Assistant is regarded as more competent than the other two. Powered by Google, you can ask the assistant more specific questions, and you’ll get more detailed & correct replies.

Do your home improvements yourself!

robot cctv camera

The core idea is a single user interface controlling virtually every aspect of your home, such as heating, lighting, electronic devices, water, home security, etc. You can indulge in the top 5 home improvements with the biggest impact on your house and develop a unique and reliable solution yourself!

So, you will need to purchase smart home devices, such as portable and waterproof speakers, bright lighting, smart thermostats, smart security cameras, a top-notch audio system connected to every room, smoke detectors, and irrigation.

Next, use an integrator, usually companies making automation home platforms. In addition, they possess regional installers and can help install an integrated solution for your home. In addition, you need to consider a couple of factors: how many gadgets do you wish to be connected to the smart hub? How much is your budget? And how much of this work are you willing to do by yourself?

Make your lighting smarter!

smart home technology interface

There is a large variety of eco-friendly, intelligent lighting devices available on the market. Here you can find either a so-called bridge-based system connecting with a Wi-Fi router or smart bulb lights with a Wi-Fi connection already incorporated. For convenience, we recommend the second one. A few companies manufacture smart LED bulbs: Philips, GE, Ikea, Eufy. The Lifx system featuring multi-colored and dimmable light bulbs has the advantage of a simple setup. 

Let’s stop here for a second: dimmable bulbs are popular because of their captivating aesthetic and energy-saving features. For a romantic night, try to reduce the lighting of a room’s ambiance or light up your backyard patio. Moreover, you’ll save time and energy too! You can even turn the lights on when you are away from home. 

An organic part of the setup is downloading the Lifx app or any other application to a different brand. Then sync the lighting on your Google Assistant, Alexa, or Siri interface.  

Run a smart fan!

large interior fan

Fans, electric water kettles, and coffee machines are just a few of those plug-in devices you sometimes wish to turn on a little earlier and function smarter. These systems work based on Wi-Fi so be careful with the strength of your signal! 

Using a smart plug you can ask your artificial intelligent assistant to turn the appliance on, so you can drink your tea by the time you get home from work. You can also heat water by turning the power on remotely. 

Regulate the heating of your home intelligently!

man using mobile smartphone app

We don’t need to emphasize the importance of a properly heated home during winter. Don’t forget, there are a ton of DIY Home improvement projects you can do this winter for a limited budget. On the other hand, putting a damper on home temperature can also save lives during summer with extreme heat. For this purpose, choose intelligent thermostats! They also connect via Wi-Fi and you can control them with your smartphone, or online assistants. You can set them to maintain a specific room temperature. 

Consequently, they can automatically switch on/off to keep said temperature. Decide when the heater or air-conditioner shut off to save energy. And energy-conscious means fewer home utility costs! Take full advantage now of the benefits of your smart thermostats using only voice commands! 

Home security has never been more important

man looking at home security system on tablet

We live in tumultuous times with the threat of home invaders lurking around the corner. Keep your family’s safety a priority at all times! Choose a first-class camera security system for both outdoors and indoors to keep guard even while you’re away! Therefore, housebreakers will think twice before entering your private property.

The most popular brands, Arlo, Maximus, Ring, etc. have built-in lights to brighten your way to the house. Even doorbells can be equipped with cameras to monitor visitors without going outside or being at home. Lastly, an improved and smart home security system can add to your property’s value!

Set up a cutting-edge multi-room audio system!

elegant living room with home cinema

Have you always wished to personalize every room in your house with a different musical genre? It is no longer a dream, it is reality!

Denon (HEOS), Sonos, Yamaha (MusicCast) came up with possibly the best technology available on the market when it comes to hi-tech speaker systems. Stream or cast music from your favorite music collection, or internet music providers. 

The fun, however, doesn’t stop here. Most audio system companies have a comprehensive collection of high-toned soundbars too. As a result, you can enjoy movies and TV shows in the best audio quality there is. Use your smartphone or tablet to control the volume and choose the source of the sound.

Run smart, it is only sensible!

hand of woman holding smartphone

This article focused on listing some of the smart devices to make your life easier. You can seriously increase your home value with these home improvement ideas and recommendations.
We hope we managed to shed some light on the necessity of going smart. Virtually all the advantages offered by innovative technology can save a little of our energy resources. Following this train of thoughts, it might salvage our Earth sooner or later. Let’s hope someday people will compete with one another, asking the sincere question: How smart is your home? That might signal the arrival of a better world!


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