Definition of "Corner influence"

Josh  Benoit real estate agent

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Coldwell Banker

In real estate terms, many consider having corner influence an extra financial advantage when it comes to transactions in most cases. Usually, enjoying a corner influence brings an additional value to real estate bounded on two sides by intersecting roads. Overall, a corner influence boosts a property's market value compared to adjoining inside lots. By all means, the value depends on the importance of the intersecting streets and their infrastructure.

Specialists consider this extra value half of the inside lot value, yet it’s not a number set in stone. In exceptional cases, the corner lot’s worth can be two or even three times more than the actual inside lot’s.

Properties enjoying corner influence are suitable for development since these buildings comprise a significant proportion of the lot’s surface. In addition, the local government allows corner lots a more considerable amount of land surface to be covered than inside lots.

Corner influence in commercial properties

The primary advantage of a commercial corner lot is that it has twice the street frontage. And it steadily declines in importance in the following order: retail, commercial, financial, office, hotel, apartment, ordinary retail, wholesale, residential, and undeveloped or rural areas. 

Corner influence has a more beneficial effect on commercial property than residential properties. Understandably, two facings will attract twice as many views from both streets. Besides, buildings erected on corners will charge higher rent, implying a more excellent value for the property.

The advantages and disadvantages of corner influence

For residential purposes, increased street frontage may be a disadvantage when considering the increased traffic hazard and associated environmental and noise pollution. Corner influence includes several advantages, particularly for commercial purposes:

  1. There is greater exposure and access to automobile and pedestrian traffic.
  2. The increased exposure provides greater effectiveness for window and sign advertising.
  3. Zoning ordinances and building codes usually allow greater building area.
  4. There is more substantial access to light and air.
  5. There is greater ease of access and egress.

Corner influence adding value to your home

The term corner influence relates to the impact on a property’s worth because of its location at a street corner or vicinity. We have to consider various factors determining a home’s value. For example, a home’s closeness to a school, such as across the street, can be pricier than a home a few blocks away. Thus, it provides its residents with improved convenience. 

Likewise, some buyers will find corner lands and houses more attractive because these typically offer a more fantastic living space. Besides, there is only one neighbor living next to them. Therefore, they can cut chances to deal with a noisy neighbor in half if the property enjoys the perks of corner influence.

Also, sellers discovered an essential selling advantage in having corner influence because many buyers prefer these properties. As a matter of fact, a corner influence is amongst those real estate terms every seller has to know.

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