What Is The Safest City In Florida?

Definition of "What is the safest city in Florida?"

Marcanne  Green real estate agent

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Marcanne Green Real Estate

Today, we’re going to be taking a look at two of the most important factors that come into play in the discussion of relocation to another state: public safety and personal safety. For homebuyers from out of town, these two factors are likely to be near or at the top of the list of pertinent questions. For many, how safe a place is can determine whether or not they make that place their home! 

When it comes to the state of Florida, there are a lot of reasons why you might want to buy a home within its borders. The weather is delightful, the food is delicious and the people are disarming. It really is a one-of-a-kind place! But this isn’t what you came here to learn about; you’re interested in finding out what Florida city is safest

If you came here today with this question on your mind, you’re in luck, because today we’re going to be answering it. There are a number of cities in Florida that are above average when it comes to public safety, but there can only be one that is safest. So what is that city, you ask? Let’s find out! 

Satellite Beach, FL

As you would imagine would be the case with a place that gets its name from something literally extraterrestrial, Satellite Beach FL is out of this world! Puns aside, this city is statistically the safest in the state, and is also home to a number of other compelling attributes that make it ideal for anyone seeking a place to live in the state of Florida. So what does this city have to offer newcomers, and what are the exact crime rates? Let’s find out! 

Crime rates in Satellite Beach, FL

Considering the fact that this FAQ is on the topic of crime rates and public safety, we thought it fitting that the first thing we explore about the city of Satellite Beach is its safety figures. This is the safest city in the state after all, but exactly how safe is it? That’s what we’re going to be going over in this section. 

First up, let’s look at property crime rates. The US average for property crime is 19 incidents per 1,000 residents per year, while Satellite Beach only sees an average of 4.8 incidents per 1,000 residents per year. This places it in the 80th percentile nationally in terms of property crime rates, making it one of the safest cities in the entire country! 

Violent crimes are also impressively low, with a mere 0.5 incidents per 1,000 residents per year. Compared to the national average of 4 incidents per 1,000 residents per year, it’s immediately apparent why Satellite Beach is widely regarded as the safest city in Florida. With crime rates this low, we’re compelled to concur! 

Public safety and home values in Satellite Beach, FL

As is the case with many aspects of purchasing a home, crime rates have an indubitable effect on home values in the city of Satellite Beach, FL. Due to the exceptionally infrequent occurrence of violent and property crime in this city, it has come to be seen as a solid and financially advisable investment town, which has in turn led to stable and attractive home values. 

The average home value in Satellite Beach FL is a somewhat high but nonetheless reasonable $479,000. This is substantially more expensive than the national and state median home prices, but this price is well worth the improved public safety and exceptional market stability that has become this market’s trademark. 

Appreciation values have also risen substantially in recent years, due again in large part to the phenomenally low crime rates. At just under 30% annually, properties here accrue value quickly and consistently, making it an excellent choice for anyone seeking to make an investment on property in the state of Florida. 

How to further improve your personal safety in Satellite Beach, FL

For some, crime rates as low as these are not enough to feel completely safe. Some individuals may still experience uneasiness surrounding crime and their potential capacity to become a victim of it, even though the chances of this happening are lower than they are in most places. If you’re one of these individuals, don’t worry: there are ways to further reduce your chance of becoming a victim of both violent and property crime! 

Reducing your risk of becoming a victim of property crime is fairly straightforward. There are a number of home and vehicle security solutions, as well as common-sense security measures that will automatically reduce your risk of having your property damaged or stolen. As you might imagine, these methods are as likely to protect you here as they are anywhere else! 

As for reducing your risk of becoming a victim of violent crime, we’d place more emphasis on common sense measures such as not walking alone at night and avoiding high-crime areas. Additionally, carrying a personal defense device such as pepper spray or a security baton is also a good idea, although your chances of having to use such a device are low here. 


If you’re looking for a safe and stable place to make your home in the state of Florida, we hope you’ll consider Satellite Beach.  With some help from one of the real estate agents in Satellite Beach FL, you’ll be moved into a home that suits your needs and budget in no time flat. That’s the RealtyAgentHub.com guarantee! 

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